Knit Stitches

Eightsome Stitch

Cast on in multiples of 12 plus an extra 2 sts at each edge for selvedges. (Selvedge sts not included in pattern)
1st, 7th and 13th rows: (wrong side of work)*k1, p2 crossed to the right (purl 2nd st by passing in front of 1st st, purl 1st st) k9*
2nd and 8th rows: *p8 k2 crossed right, k2 crossed left
3rd, 5th, 9th and 11th rows: *p4, k8*
4th and 10th rows: *p8, k4*
6th and 12th rows: *p8, k2 crossed left, k2 crossed right,*
14th and 28th rows: purl
15th, 21st and 27th rows: *k7, k2 crossed right, k3*
16th and 22nd rows: *p2, k2 crossed right, k2 crossed left, p6*
17th, 19th, 23rd and 25th rows: *k6, p4, k2*
18th and 24th rows: *p2, k4, p6*
20th and 26th rows: *p2, k2 crossed left, k2 crossed right, p6*
When 28th row has been worked repeat from 1st row as required.


Twisted Stockinette Stitch

1st row: k into the back of each stitch
2nd row: purl


Woven Basket Stitch

Cast on in multiples of 8.
1st row: knit

2nd row and all even numbered rows: purl
3rd row: k2, *slip 2 sts on to a cable needle and keep to back of work, k2, k2 from cable needle * to last 2 sts, k2.
5th row: *slip 2 sts as if to k on to cable needle and keep in front of work, k2, k2 from cable needle*
Rep the 3rd and 5th rows alternately.


Chain Link Stitch

Cast on in multiples of 6.
1st and 3rd rows: *p2, k2, p2*
2nd and all even rows: k the k sts, and p the p sts, exactly as sts appear on needle.
5th row: *slip 2 sts as if to p on to a double-pointed cable needle and keep at back of work, k1, p2 from cable needle, slip 1 st on to cable needle and keep in front of work, p2, k1 from cable needle*
7th row: belin again from the 1st row but changing the position of the 3 st pattern by starting with k1, *p4, k2*.




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