Knit Stitches

Ladder Stitch

Multiple of 10 sts.
Row 1: (right side) knit across.
Row 2: k4, p2, (k8, p2) across to last 4 sts, k4.
To work Front Cross (uses 2 sts), knit second stitch on left needle making sure not to drop off, then knit the first stitch letting both stitches drop off needle.
To work Back Cross (uses 2 sts), working behind first stitch on left needle, knit into the back of second stitch making sure not to drop off, then knit the first stitch letting both stitches drop off needle.
Row 3: k3, work Front Cross, work Back Cross, (k6, work Front Cross work Back cross) across to last 3 sts, k3.
Row 4: purl across.
Rep Rows 1-4 for pattern.


Ribbed Cables

Multiple of 14 sts and 2.
Additional materials: Cable needle.
Row 1: p2, (k2, p1, k2, p2) across.
Row 2 (right side): k2, (p2, k1, p2, k2) across.
Row 3: p2, (k2, p1, k2, p2) across.
To work Front Cross (uses 2 sts), knit second stitch on left needle making sure not to drop off, then knit the first stitch letting both stitches drop off needle.
Row 4: Work Front Cross, * p2, k1, p2, k2, p2, k1, p2, work Front Cross; rep from * across.
Rows 5 - 11: Rep Rows 1 - 4 once, then rep Rows 1 - 3 once more.
Row 12: Work Front Cross, * P2, slip next 4 sts onto cable needle and hold in back of work, (k1, p2, k1) from left needle, (k1, p2, k1) from cable needle, p2, work Front Cross; rep from * across.
Rep Rows 1 - 12 for pattern.



Multiple of 11 sts plus 3.
Additional materials: Cable needle.
Row 1: k3, (p8, k3) across.
To work Cable 4 Back (abbreviated C4B), slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold in back of work. k2 from needle, k2 from cable needle.
To work Cable 4 Front (abbreviated C4F), slip next 2 sts onto needle and hold in front of work, k2 from left needle, k2 from cable needle.
Row 2: k4, p2, (k8, p2) across to last 4 sts, k4.
Row 3: k3, (p8, k3) across.
Row 4: p1, k1, p1, (k8, p1, k1, p1) across.
Rep Rows 1 - 4 for pattern.


Twisted Cables

Multiple of 8 sts plus 1.
Additional materials: Cable needle.
Row 1 and all wrong side rows: p1, (k1, p5, k1, p1) across.
Row 2 (right side): k1, * p1, slip next 4 sts onto cable needle and hold in back of work, k1 from needle, slip last 3 sts from cable needle back onto left needle and knit them, k1 from cable needle, p1, k1; rep from * across.
Row 4: k1, (p1, k5, p1, k1) across.
Row 6: k1, (p1, k5, p1, k1) across.
Rep Rows 1 - 6 for pattern.



Multiple of 8 sts plus 7.
Note: When instructed to slip a st, always slip as if to knit.
Row 1: purl across.
Row 2 (right side): knit across.
Row 4: k2, yo, slip 1, k2 tog, psso, (yo, k5, yo, slip 1, k2 tog, psso) across to last 2 sts, yo, k2.
Row 6: k3, yo, ssk, (k6, yo, ssk) across to last 2 sts, k2.
Row 8: knit across.
Row 10: k6, yo, slip 1, k2 tog, psso, (yo, k5, yo, slip 1, k2 tog, psso) across to last 6 sts, yo, k6.
Row 12: k7, (yo, ssk, k6) across.
Rep Rows 1 - 12 for pattern.



Multiple of 6 sts plus 2.
Additional materials: Cable needle.
Row 1 (right side): p3, k2, (p4, k2) across to last 3 sts, p3.
Row 2: k3, p2, (k4, p2) across to last 3 sts, k3.
Row 3 and 4: Rep Rows 1 and 2.
Row 5: p2, (k4, p2) across.
Row 6: k2, (p4, k2) across.
Rows 7 and 8: Rep Rows 5 and 6.
Row: 9: purl across.
Row 10: knit across.
Rep Rows 1 - 10 for pattern.




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