Crocheted Penguin
Work body and head of Penguin firmly taking tip back loop of st only. Tail: 2nd to 6th Rows. 2 sc in first and last sc, 1 sc in each remaining sc. 7th and 8th Rows. 1 sc in each sc. 9th to 17th Rows. Same as 2nd row (31 sc). 18th to 24th Rows. Working on the 31 sts, start each row with ch 2, and end each row with a dc, work remainder of row in sc. 25th to 26th Rows. Same as 2nd row. 27th to 28th Rows. 1 sc in each sc. 29th, 30th, 33rd, 34th, 37th, 38th Rows. Increase 1 sc at the beginning and end of each row. 31st, 32nd, 35th, 36th, 39th, 40th Rows. 1 sc in each sc (there should now be 47 sc). 41st to 55th Rows. 1 sc in each sc. 56th Row. 1 sc in each of the first 7 sc, then decrease by crocheting the 8th and 9th sc together. Decrease at opposite side in 8th and 9th sc front end and 1 sc in each of the last 7 sc. 57th Row. 1 sc in each sc. Next 12 Rows. Repeat 56th and 57th rows alternately (33 sc). Without breaking yarn start head, work back over 15 sc, ch 1, turn. 2nd and 3rd Rows. Decrease 1 st at beginning of each row. 4th and 5th Rows. 1 sc in each sc. 6th and 7th Rows. Increase 1 st at beginning of each row. 8th Row. Same as 4th row. 9th Row. Same as 6th row. 10th Row. 1 sc in each sc then chain 12 for bill. 11th Row. 11 sc on ch, and 1 sc in each sc. 12th Row. Increase 1 st at beginning of row and omit the last 5 sc. 13th Row. Decrease 1 st at beginning of row and work 1 row even. 15th and 16th Rows. Increase 1 st at beginning of each row. 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th Rows. Decrease 1 st at beginning and end of each row. Break yarn. Join yarn at 4th st from center at opposite side, leaving 3 center sts free, 1 sc in each of the next 15 sc. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Rows. Work same as first half of head. 9th Row. Increase 1 sc at end of row, then ch 12 for bill. 10th Row. 11 sc on ch, and 1 sc in each sc. 11th Row. Increase 1 sc at beginning of row and work 1 sc in each sc, omitting last 5 sc. 12th Row. Decrease 1 st at beginning of row and work 1 sc in each sc. 13th and 14th Rows. 1 sc in each sc. 15th and 16th Rows. Increase 1 st at beginning of each row. 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th Rows. Decrease 1st at beginning and end of each row, break yarn. Join yarn between the two headpieces and work over the 3 free sc. Work 11 rows even. 12th Row. Increase 1 st at beginning and end of row and work 10 more rows even. 23rd Row. Increase 1 st at beginning and end of row and work 8 rows even, then decrease 1 st at beginning of each row until 2 sts remain. Work 12 more rows even, break yarn. Front. Next 9 Rows. Decrease 1 st at beginning of each row (27 sc). 41st, 42nd, 45th, 46th, 49th, 50th Rows. 1 sc in each sc. 43rd, 44th, 47th, 48th, 51st, 52nd Rows. Decrease 1 st at beginning of each row. 53rd to 70th Rows. Decrease 1 st at beginning of each row or until 3 sts remain, then work 3 or 4 rows on the 3 sts, break yarn. Wings. Feet. 3rd and 4th Rows. Increase 1 st in first and last sc. 5th and 6th Rows. Increase 1 st in first st. 7th and 8th Rows. Decrease 1 st, at beginning of row. Work 2 feet White and 2 in Black. Crochet the 2 sections together with Black filling them slightly if desired. Lower circle section, work in sc taking up both loops, Ch 2, 6 sc in first ch, join. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Rows. 2 sc in every other sc. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Rows. 2 sc in every 3rd sc. Work 3 rows even then work 29 sc, ch 1, turn. Work back over the 29 sc; work 2 more rows even. Next 9 Rows. Decrease 1 st at beginning and end of row. Work 2 rows even. Next 5 Rows. Decrease 1 st at beginning and end of row or until 3 sts remain, break yarn. To put Penguin together, sew the two Black headpieces to center headpiece, allowing 3 or 4 rows of center section to extend below bill. Starting at the 18th row from lower edge of Black, sew in White piece, being careful to match the rows of the body of Penguin, continue sewing White to end of bill. Fill body: Cut a cardboard slightly smaller than the 11 rows of lower circle, cover it and sew to 2nd row of circle, fit section in and sew it to front of Penguin, sew around back of Penguin in 18th row taking up 1 loop of st only, then with Black crochet White and Black tail sections together. Sew feet in place. Sew wings in position. Eyes: Crochet over the Bone rings with White, and sew in place. From American Thread Company 1942
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